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Nose Polyps Surgery Success Stories ( Recent Report )

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Nose polypis a rare entity that originates from the mucosa of the nasal septum with choanal extension,and three cases havebeen reported to date.This article reports an additional,new case of septochoanal polyp, together with a literaturereview of its clinical features, pathogenensis, and treat-ment options, in order to increase the understanding of thisunusual choanal lesion A 59-year-old woman presented to this department with left-sided nasal obstruction of two months’ duration. The condition had become progressively worse over time, and upon visiting the local ENT clinic, a nasal mass was foundon the left choana. Endoscopic nasal examination revealeda unilateral mass based in the superior aspect of the posterior portion of the nasal septum in the left nasal cavity.There was a thin pedicle, and the polyp was hanging loosely. through the choana. Computed tomogra-phy demonstrated a 1.7 cm × 0.9 cm × 1.2 cm lobulated and pedun culated mass, originating from the left nasal septum,which p

Nasal Polyps after Sinus Surgery ( New Study )

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In recent study, even when different parameters were used to measure postoperative outcomes, the trends in-dicated that the Nasal Polyps would maintain a stable course in most cases. The scores in postoperative care were not statistically different from each other. The mean Sinonasal Outcome Test 22 (SNOT-22) seen in this study were 61.5, 16.7, and 33.5, respectively.  The sharper drop seen in the  preoperative  to  recent  postoperative  follow-up period may have accounted for the statistically significant difference seen between early and late posto-perative follow-up scores, as late follow-up scores in this study were similar to the scores reported before. Statistically significant improvements in quality of life were observed two years after surgery, in addition to gradual deterioration after 4 months of surgery, although not statistically significant.Considering the late follow-up clinical management of Nasal Polyps, more than half of the patients were managed in acceptable  level

Nasal Polyps Surgery Success Rate ( New Study )

Hình ảnh
Nasal Polyps significantly affects the quality of life of patients. Nasal Polyps treatment aims to attain clinical control of the disease, which is defined as the elimi-nation or mitigation of patient symptoms to a point where subjects are no longer bothered by the disease, possibly in combination with a healthy or quasi healthy mucosa requiring only the administration of topical medication. The severity of symptoms and the impact of the disease upon patient  quality of life can be assessed through the Sinonasal Outcome Test 22 (SNOT-22). This validated tool encompasses all major symptoms included in  the  diagnosis  criteria  set  in  the  European  Position  Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps (EPOS) 2012 for Nasal Polyps. The SNOT-22 is a repeatable tool and the graphic representation of test results allows for easy visualization of the outcomes of conservative and surgical approaches, as well as  exacerbations observed during follow-up In recent study, Patients were asked to a